Ten Ways To Have The Best Year Ever

If you’re anything like me, then you care about making sure that your life is influential and impactful. You are not indifferent to your progress in every area of your life. You are someone that took an inventory of what you did last year and also planned out what you will do in 2016. I believe that our goals and dreams should be so big and grand that we are destined for failure, unless God will intervene. This year, let me be your guide. Let me help you accomplish more than you’ve ever thought possible. Here are ten audio resources that I believe if applied to your life, will make 2016 your best year ever. Here we go. 


  1. How To Lose Twenty Pounds In Two Months. I know you are also thinking about this as the new year begins. Don’t be the person that doesn’t achieve their goals. In this podcast, I will explain exactly what you need to do. This is a podcast I recorded about my health and fitness transformation that I underwent. In this podcast, I don’t hold anything back. I literally open up my personal journal and tell you everything that you need to do if you want to achieve the same results. Click here to listen to the audio podcast and share it with your social network if you found it helpful.
  2. How To Become A Productivity Beast. In this podcast, I share my top ten hacks, tips and tricks on how you can become a productivity machine. This are ten things that I actually do all the time and it has revolutionized my life. Because of these tips, I am able to do an incredible amount, in a very short period of time. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. Click here to listen to the audio and please share it with someone who you know would benefit from it.
  3. The Best Advice You Could Ever Get For Millennials. This was an interview I did with an insanely successful nineteen year old. If you are between the ages of 18-34, I know you will find massive value from listening to this podcast. If you are looking for some inspiration to hustle hard this year, listen to this interview by clicking here.
  4. How To Exponentially Improve Your Relationship. Whether you are married or not, this is insanely important information. In this podcast, I talk about how you can tell with over ninety percent accuracy whether your relationship will fail or stand the test of time. I talk about the four things you need to watch out for and see if they exist in your relationship. Click here to listen to the audio and take your relational quality to the next level.
  5. Four Things You Can’t Afford Not To Do In Your Spiritual Life. In 2016, I want to grow in my relationship with Jesus more than anything before. If you are like me, then you want to experience the same thing. In this podcast, I uncover four key components of how to grow spiritually and experience “God’s new song,” in every area of your life. Click here to listen to this podcast.
  6. How To Become Better At Waiting. This may not sound like the most exciting thing to do but trust me, it is incredibly valuable. If we are honest, most of our life will be spent waiting on something or someone. I can’t believe how my life drastically changed when I realized what to do while I wait and when I learned how not to waste my wait. Click here to listen to the audio if you are in a season of being in the hallway and the doors have not yet opened up for you. I promise this will be super encouraging for you to listen to at the beginning of this new year.
  7. Ten Ways To Tell If You Are Accomplishing The Will Of God. This is one of the most often asked questions that I get. In this podcast, I debunk the myths and reveal in practical and easy to understand language of what it means to be in the will of God. You can throw away the magic eight ball and any other ritual you used to find the will of God. Click here to listen to the audio and I pray it will bless you and reveal to you what is God’s will and purpose for your life.
  8. Top Ten Tips For Traveling Smart In Europe. If you are planning a trip to Europe this year, I promise you this will be a podcast you want to listen to. My wife Victoria (follow her on Instagram: @v_ko) joins me on this podcast and we talk about our adventures and share our top ten tips. Click here to listen to the podcast. If you prefer reading about it, instead of listening, click here to read the post.
  9. What Every Husband Wants From His Wife. Ladies, you don’t have to wonder any more about this question. In this podcast, I distill exactly what men want. I will give you a hint – it is not complicated at all. It doesn’t matter if you are married or single, you will want to listen to this podcast. Click here to listen to it.
  10. How To Deal With Haters And Critics. You will be criticized. In this podcast, I explain what to do with haters and critics. Honestly, it’s not that complicated and being offended by critics and haters is a choice. Click here to listen to the full audio.

Hopefully you enjoy this curated list of content that I know will bring you massive value in 2016. Which one was your favorite? I would love to hear from you! Let me know on social media. Follow me on Instagram, add me on Snapchat @bkipko, Facebook and Twitter.


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