I am super blessed to have friends who are amazing bloggers and publish great, life changing content. Today, I want to point your attention toward four posts that really impacted me – and I am positive will not leave you unchanged
Behind the mask – Part 1: Some days I don’t want to read the Bible
“Often Christian writings (articles, books, etc.) are filled with so much unrealistic/oversimplified statements and rules that those of us who struggle with Christianity are lost in a raging torrent of self-righteousness and arrogant “truths.” We are urged to wear a mask, hiding our struggles with a perfect smile and a hearty “amen!” I don’t want to do that. Frankly, I just want to be real. If you have never struggled to be a Christian, this isn’t for you, for the rest of us, let’s talk. If your heart is crusty, dry, empty, or completely faithless, this series is for you and me.”
Written by Yuriy Stasyuk.
Four reasons why social media is ruining you.
About 3 weeks ago I decided that I was going to go on a social media fast. I’ve used the time I would have spent on Facebook to complete school work, spend more time with my wife and daughter, and spend time thinking about how I let my social media addiction get out of hand. During this time I thought of 4 different ways social media was ruining me.
Written by Brandon Vaara.
God did not create us as robots.
Have you ever talked with someone who is passionate about something? Have you ever felt the sparks of a flame that is about to explode? Have you ever gotten excited about a topic that you never even thought about before? Have you ever felt safe just being in the presence of someone who knows more than you do about something? I have. Many times. And when God allows me to cross paths with those kind of people something deep inside me wants to be the same way.
Written by Oksana Kipko.
Five practical methods to increase your energy level.
Leaders understand the importance of maintaining a high level of energy. They know if they have energy it creates stamina and endurance that helps in producing results, leading effectively, increasing productivity, and moving the team or organization toward the vision. In fact, energy is a prerequisite to success and achievement. Below are 5 practical methods for increasing and maintaining your energy level:
Written by Dan Black.
Question: What have you read recently that has significantly impacted you? Feel free to share a link below in the comments.
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