Jesus Told Jokes And Fourteen Other Things You Probably Did Not Think He Did


Jesus is the only God who gets off His throne to serve the people who never wanted Him on the throne in the first place. This is not man becoming God but rather God becoming man, coming to men, to save them – for Himself, by Himself. Because Jesus came to earth as a human, to save humans – this gives humanity hope – the only hope that can actually exist, because it is a hope that saves and sustains. But realistically, how human was Jesus?

The Bible tells us:

Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. (Heb. 2:17-18)

The Incarnation of Jesus is the ultimate hope for humanity.

The great thing about the gospel is not that there is one way to God but rather that there IS a way to God. 

The more I understand how human Jesus was, the more I am able to see that He cares for me greatly and loves me deeply. My sin may be deep, but Jesus’ love is deeper still. In fact, it is so great that God actually saves me to love me, forever.

I remind myself of this reality when I fail. When I make wrong decisions. When I fall short of what Jesus calls me to do. This is why it is of great encouragement to know that Jesus was very much like us. At the same time, He was very much un-like us. He knew no sin. This is why He can be our mediator between us sinful human beings and a Holy God.

So how human was Jesus?

Jesus had brothers and sisters (Matt. 13:55.)

Jesus got exhausted (Matt. 8:24; Mark 4:38; Luke 8:23–24; John 4:7.)

Jesus took naps (Mark 4:36–41.)

Jesus got hungry (Matt. 4:2; Mark 11:12; Luke 4:2.)

Jesus got thirsty (John 4:7; 19:18.)

Jesus worked at a regular job (Mark 6:3.)

Jesus had male and female friends (John 11:3–5.)

Jesus gave compliments (Mark 12:41–44.)

Jesus went to parties (Matt. 11:19.)

Jesus loved His mom (John 19:26–27.)

Jesus prayed (Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35; 14:32–42; John 17)

Jesus was emotional (Matt. 23:37; Luke 19:41.)

Jesus was astonished (Mark 6:6; Luke 7:9.)

Jesus told jokes (Matt. 7:6; 23:24; Mark 4:21.)

Jesus wept (John 11:34–35.)


Do you know what I love about my friend Jesus? He is able to sympathize with my weakness. He is able to sympathize with your weakness. He has been tempted as we are, yet He remains without sin. This is why you and I can approach Jesus without shame and guilt – because He took upon Himself everything that was wrong with us and gave us everything that was right with Him.

Jesus gives us mercy and grace in a time of need. He is God with Us.

Question: What else would you add to this list? How does Jesus’ humanity encourage you?


7 responses to “Jesus Told Jokes And Fourteen Other Things You Probably Did Not Think He Did”

  1. Все таааааааак просто!!!!!!! Здесь Иисус- не только 100% Бог, но и 100% человек. Об этом мало кто помнит. На мой взгляд причина- отсутствие понимания и проповеди простоты Евангелия, и как результат- религиозные традиции взамен познания Бога, взамен наполнения Его Духом….
    Думаю, во многих церквях многие дети Божьи мечтают уйти от традиций. Но не знают, как это сделать… Или же боятся осуждения религиозных старейшин…
    Нужны добрые примеры ухода от традиций, начиная от проповеди простоты Евангелия и простоты во Христе в ежедневном бытии- и кончая простотой церковного служения.
    Страшно? Назовут харизматом? Но Христос не осудит! Ведь простота и искренность (чистота и полнота выражения чувств), выходящие наружу- лучше скрытого лицемерия.
    Евангелие чрезвычайно просто: Христос умер за нас когда мы еще были грешниками (то есть- за всех, за весь мир!), и верующий в это не судится, а неверующий- уже осужден.. Но эта простота засыпана такооооооой кучей человеческого мусора, что не всем хватает и жизни, чтоб добраться до этой простоты, разгребая мусор религиозных установок и человеческих фантазий…

    1. Amen, good thoughts 🙂

  2. David Kioroglo Avatar
    David Kioroglo

    Bogdan, I disagree with you about Jesus telling jokes. I have an issue with sarcasm and jokes and I tried to find a biblical premise to stop this behavior. I first looked at the Ten Commandments and drew some connections to the ninth commandment which commands us not to lie. Since jokes are very often false, they are lies and therefore sin. However, I wanted to find an example of jokes in Jesus’ life as He is the only one who upheld the Commandments completely. I looked at Matthew 22:23-33 when He is confronted by the Saducees who try to trick Him. In response to their statement, Jesus seemingly makes a joke and has a laugh at their expense in verse 29. These men were knowledgeable in the Scripture but Jesus said they were not. The conclusion that I reached was that Jesus was not being sarcastic, He told them the absolute truth. They did not know the Word of God for if they did their “unanswerable” statement would have been very easily answerable. In the three examples you give of Jesus telling jokes, they are more likely simply figurative language. Jesus loved metaphor and allegory because the people who were His audience would not have understood the secrets of the kingdom of God had He simply told them what they were. He used the metaphor and allegory to make His message easier to understand. I do however agree with all of your other points. I hope you understand what I am trying to say, thank you and message me if you would like to discuss further.

    1. Andrew Hersh Avatar
      Andrew Hersh

      A joke and a lie are two different things. Not everything that is false is a lie. A lie is a falsity told with the intent to deceive (permanently), whereas a joke is a falsity told with the intent to be revealed so that an alternate idea can be formed.

      Unless you think that they LITERALLY were straining gnats and swallowing camels…

  3. I also do not agree on the jokes part. We see that God does have a humorous side here and there (After all we are made in his image) But the excerpts that were chosen are really just nuggets of wisdom or a perspective to make it easier to see/relate to what he is talking about.

    1. If you are to read those with the context of that audience, you would see that there is irony and humor mixed in there.

  4. Jesus’ best stand-up comedy can be found in Luke 16, in the parody about the dishonest manager. See for an explanation.

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