Why Grace Is Reckless And Why We Should Embrace It


As we head into the New Year, embrace the new and the fresh with this mindset:

God loves us with a reckless kind of love.

A love that humanely speaking, does not make any sense at all.

He sends His beloved Son to earth, to be brutally murdered on a cross. This was done in order that grace would flow freely unto us.

We received grace instead of wrath.

We received eternal life instead of eternal death.

We deserved unending torture. We received unmerited favor.

Embrace grace and be uncomfortably overwhelmed by the comfort of knowing Jesus loves you and desires to make all things new in you, perpetually.


3 responses to “Why Grace Is Reckless And Why We Should Embrace It”

  1. ζ™‚θ¨ˆ ブランド 中叀

  2. I love the title of your post.

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