Category: Theology

  • How To Rightly Align Your Life

    The Apostle Paul purposefully states that if he would want to get somewhere, it is ultimately God who needs to guide and direct his drive (1 Thess. 3:11). It is God who can straighten the path, show a more probably path, remove all obstacles (or create them), and provide direction for where we should go and…

  • Five Things You Probably Did Not Know About The Holy Spirit

    A profound appreciation or a prolonged love is acquired only after careful contemplation. We only truly understand something after we have studied it, thought about it and reflected on it. This happens with our salvation. The more we see the density of our depravity, the more satisfying the gospel becomes to us. This happens with our…

  • Three Things That Happen When You Have A Resolved Faith

    Is faith all about results? No. Are results a natural yield of an authentic faith? I would say yes. So, what kind of results does a resolved faith produce? Today I would like to explore with you what results flow from a resolved faith. Here are three results that are produced by a faith that is resolved…

  • The Neglected God

    There are usually two camps in Christianity and their approach to the Holy Spirit. One camp places an inordinate emphasis on the Holy Spirit while the other, rarely if ever, even mentions the third person of the Trinity. Some people go as far as to have their own version of the Trinity: Father, Son and…

  • The Relevance Of A Right Relationship

    The following material is an excerpt from my first published book entitled Authentic Faith: A Collection.   You can read the whole book online by clicking here. You can buy the book by clicking here. As human beings, we characteristically crave, cultivate and covet relationships. Some of our relationships are built on a solid foundation;…

  • The Scandalous Nature Of Grace

    There is hardly a more scandalous topic that we naturally want to disagree with than the topic of grace. Grace is simply defined as unmerited favor given to us, in spite of us. Because grace is something that has been given to us and not something that was achieved by us, we are ironically positioned to not…

  • The Most Mind Blowing Life Altering Words I Read All Week

    This past week, the place I read from the book of Isaiah absolutely blew my mind.  These were life-altering words. It is probably one of the most powerful and potent passages that I have ever come across in the Old Testament. The whole counsel of God is phenomenal and all of Scripture is profitable. This place that…

  • The Danger Of Daring To Question God

    When we question the actions of God, we become an offense to the will of God. When we suspiciously scrutinize the way God decided to act in a certain situation, we are submitting to our own personal preferences and neglecting the omnipotent God of the universe. When we do not agree with God or refuse to…

  • Why A Garden Is Integral To Our Salvation

    Sin tainted humanity in the garden of Eden (Gen 3:6-7). Sin was conquered on behalf of humanity in the garden of Gethsemane (Lk. 22:39-46).   The epic conquest for the lives of human beings did not begin at Golgotha but in Gethsemane. It is in this garden, the bloody battle for our life was begun…

  • Пятнадцать Особенностей Слова Бога

    Часто мы слушаем Слово от Бога и Слово Бога так как оно не является тем самым сообщением которое имеет силу поменять нашу жизнь. Мы много знаем о Слове, говорим Слово, цитируем Слово, слышим Слово, но часто пренебрегаем Словом и не принимаем Слово как следует. Нам нужно поменять нашу позицию относительно того как мы принимаем Слово.…