Happy Friday! Thank you for sticking with this entire series. My sincere hope is that it encouraged and inspired you.
There is a premature satisfaction that can happen — when we share our dreams with someone — before we actually put in the work to make them happen. We find more pleasure in sharing with others what we want to accomplish — than we do in putting the pedal to the metal. Here is the third reason for why you are not a smashing success just yet.
Reason Three:
You Are A Big Talker And Not Much Of A Doer
I am sure we all have some people in our life who are like this:
They constantly complain that they lack the resources to produce quality products.
The building does not provide adequate space.
There is not enough time in the day.
There is not enough money in the bank to fund this next project.
The crowd is not big enough for you to speak to.
You have an outstanding ability to seek out excuses for why you are not perfecting your craft.
The conversation about your next big project excites you more than actually doing the work.
Think about it: Why in the world would you all of a sudden be able to lead a large organization when you are not even able to lead yourself, a party of one?
What makes you think that if you were promoted to this higher position — you would be a much better employee — when at the level that you are currently at — with the minimal amount of responsibilities — your performance is mediocre at best and sedentary at worst.
If you are not able to adequately prepare to lead five or ten people — how would it make sense for you to be put in charge of a hundred or more?
Be as influential as possible — in the area that you were placed in — for the predetermined time that you are going to be there — God will take care of the rest — what He demands from you is faithfulness.
The bible demands that whatever we do — we should do all to the glory of God.
Externally, we might look the same. But internally, our motivation should be much different!
Whatever job you are in — whatever craft you love — continue to perfect it — continue to cultivate it — continue to do this for the glory of God and by His grace.
Do not worry about becoming a smashing success — continue to live a life for Jesus — and allow Him to grant you that which you crave — in due time.
Question: What would you say to someone who is having a difficult time with the concept of delayed success? How have you personally dealt with it and what would you recommend? You can leave a comment below.
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