If you are not experiencing a level of uncertainty about a potential opportunity, then you are relying too much on your ability and not enough on God’s capability.
What Foundation Is Your Relationship Built Upon?
The foundation upon which you build relationships will either withstand the test of time or will deteriorate with time. Make sure it is built on something solid and eternal in nature.
Direction Matters More Than Position
It’s not about where you are but where you are headed. Direction matters more than position.
The Modern Messiah
It is a dangerous position we assume when we constantly want to help the weak and needy but never confess that we too are actually weak and in need of help.
Stop Waiting For God To Reveal His Will For Your Life
If you are going to go through life without passion of excitement, just waiting for God to reveal to you His big plan for your life, it will never happen. Do with passion and excitement that which you are already involved in for His glory – sufficient are the worries of today – let God…
The Source Of Our Effort
I believe that effort not only emboldens our walk with Christ, but that it is also biblical. We need to understand though, that the effort we generate does not come from us. We put in the effort and we exert our energy. But God is the One who works through us and He enables the…
What Solid Leadership Is Defined By
Solid leadership is defined not by extraordinary celebrations or big wins that an individual experiences but rather is displayed in the continual and steadfast commitment to the small and seemingly insignificant things that make up the every day life. Jesus demands faithfulness in the small things – otherwise you won’t have the character or integrity…