Hello — Thank you so much for making this blog a part of your daily reading content. I truly appreciate it! Below are the top ten most visited posts from 2012. If you have been a regular reader of the blog, I am sure you will recognize why these were the most popular.
If this is your first time visiting, the list below is a great starting place to explore the content here. As always, I hope that this content will fuel your passion for loving Jesus and loving the people around you.
If you have not yet done so, I would encourage you to subscribe to the blog so that you could consistently receive fresh content once it is posted.
To get new content emailed to you, click here. To subscribe via an rss feed, click here. Here are my top ten posts with the most traffic in all of 2012:
10. How To Remain Consistent In Reading Your Bible
I want to share with you what has really helped me to read my bible on a consistent daily basis. I hope this will help you as well. The point here is not methodology (how I do things). The more important part here is consistency (actually doing it).
Principally, these items can be applied to anyone who wishes to read their bible on a more consistent basis. Functionally, they might look different in terms of how you fit them into your daily rhythm of life. Here are five items that help me stay consistent in reading Scripture every single day.
09. Four Types Of People That Populate The Russian Church
In this post, I want to outline four types (groups) of people that populate and dominate the Russian church in the United States. This is all based on my twenty year observation while being in the Russian church in America. Also, my friend Yuriy wrote a great post about the future of the Slavic Church in America. I would recommend you read his post as well. You can do so by clicking here.
08. Three Types Of Critics And How You Should React To Them
Criticism for leaders is normal. It does not matter if what you do is visible. It does not matter if you mostly work in the background. Criticism is inevitable. It will sometimes come from the most surprising of sources. It can sting. It can be painful. It can also be constructive. It can also be productive.
The question is not whether you will experience criticism or not. The better question is this: How do you or how should you react when you receive some sort of criticism. How do you deal with it? What should be your approach? What should be your reaction? How can your attitude towards critics and criticism resemble a Christo-centric mentality?
07. Ten Ways To Tell If Your Words Help Or Hurt Other People
How can we gauge practically the quality of our conversations? How can we tell if the words we are saying are helping or hurting other people? The following is a good list of questions to ask yourself personally. It will enable us to understand if our words are really bringing life or death into our conversations.
06. Five Reliable Reasons Why You Should Not Quit Or Give Up
I want to encourage you today by saying the following: Do not quit or give up whatever “it” is. The situation you are in is temporary. It will pass. There is a specific reason why you are going through what you are going through. There is hope. Here are five reasons why.
05. This Post Will Change Your Life Forever — Guaranteed — Read It Now
This post will literally change your life. Find time today to read this entire post if you want a revolution to happen in your life — for the glory of God and for the benefit of the people who are in your life. Every single thing I mention in this post — I have personally demonstrated and experienced. I guarantee you that you will never be the same after you read what is written in the post.
04. Four Things You Must Know About Preaching From An iPad
Ever since I preached my first sermon in my early teen years, I have used paper. I tucked my sermon into my bible and used this method for many years. This was the case until the iPad came to light.
I was always infatuated with the thought of having hundreds of my sermons that I usually typed out and then printed — to be readily available for me at the tap of a finger. This was my primary motivator for desiring this magical device.
03. How To Speak Less And Listen More
I have often found it to be true that when you talk less, people want to listen more. If you want the words you say to have weight, use them wisely and leave people wanting.
Not only does speaking less and listening more add more gravitas to what we are saying, it also makes us much more pleasurable (and sometimes tolerable) to have around and to be around.
02. The Primary Barrier To An Effective Prayer
There are many things that can be barriers to an effective prayer life. One of the primary reasons why your prayers may not be heard by God is because you are living in habitual, unrepentant sin.
01 Three Things That Happen When You Have A Resolved Faith
Is faith all about results? No. Are results a natural yield of an authentic faith? I would say yes. So, what kind of results does a resolved faith produce?
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