I believe that very early on in your adult life, you have to answer this question: As a leader, do you want to make a point or do you want to make a difference? An answer to this single question will guide and direct the entire span and sum of your life.
Your answer to this question will shape and mold you as the leader. The answer to this question will have a significant impact on the people who are led by you. Here is why:
Paul writes to the Colossians and says the following: Him (Jesus) we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ (Col. 1:29).
The goal for every Christian is consistent maturing in Christ. The goal for every leader is to perpetuate this maturity in those entrusted under his/her care.
Paul desires that as leaders we encourage the hearts of people so that — they would be knit together in love — so that — they would reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ (Col 2:1-2).
How does this practically happen? Here is what this usually looks like:
In almost every single situation, we have two options. We can either make our point heard or we can perpetuate a difference that needs to be made. The former provides instant gratification. The latter’s results are almost always conspicuously absent.
This happens in our relationships — we can either make our point known or perpetuate a difference in the other person.
This happens in our marriages — we can either attempt to make a point to our spouse or we can extend love, grace and see God’s transforming work take place.
This happens in our churches — we can make a point that everyone is wrong and you have a monopoly on the truth — or you can make a difference by lovingly and sacrificially serving others by looking at them not as they are but as Christ is.
This happens at our place of work — we can make a point about what we are capable of — or we can make a difference, one quality conversation at a time.
Very often, I have tried to make a point. Very often you also try to make a point and do. You may be exactly right about what you said. Your concept was spot on. The problem is this:
You made your point but you did not make a difference.
Making a point is quick and convenient. Making a difference takes time and proves to be very stressful at times.
Here are twenty observations between making a point and making a difference:
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My desire is by God’s grace and for His glory to pursue passionately the “make a difference” column. I truly believe that this is precisely what Jesus wants to see from every one of us.
Question: What would you add? What are some other contrasts between making a point and making a difference?
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