The Apostle Paul purposefully states that if he would want to get somewhere, it is ultimately God who needs to guide and direct his drive (1 Thess. 3:11).
It is God who can straighten the path, show a more probably path, remove all obstacles (or create them), and provide direction for where we should go and what we should do.
When we possess a resolved faith, all we do is pursue what God wants. This is a result of this type of faith. We consult with God and emphatically proclaim, “Let your will be done,” just like Jesus.
How much better it is when we initially let God align the path He would like for us to journey on.
Let God align your life path.
Let God set the sail for your voyage.
This ultimately becomes second nature for us when we have a resolute faith living in us.
Question: How are you actively seeking the right alignment for your life?
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