When you start, you have more desire than talent. Your desire is always greater than your talent. This is why you need the pace to get better at whatever it is that you are doing. Time is your friend rather than your enemy – cultivating and sharpening your craft or talent. We worship Someone who spent thirty years in relative obscurity — so why is it that we expect to get further faster?
Here are some examples of people who did not go viral, were not an overnight success and did not incur over 100k followers because of social media:
- Moses labored in approximate ambiguity for about forty years until he got his “big break,” and we know how the story goes after that (Acts 7:23)
- Abraham was one hundred years old before he had his first child (Gen. 21:5)
- Joseph had to wait thirty years before he became second in command over all of Egypt (Gen. 41:46)
- Noah preached for one hundred twenty years and his preaching yielded zero converts (Gen. 6:3)
- Jesus spent thirty years in relative obscurity before he began his public ministry (Luke 3:23)
So when we look closer at our life — and we look at it from this filtered perspective — your current day job does not seem so bad.
Tomorrow, I want to look at Reason One of why you are not a smashing success just yet.
Question: What motivates you to continue forward from the above examples? You can leave a comment below.
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