If you are at all interested in what is going on throughout the sphere of evangelical americana, you probably did not miss this dust-up. Your opinion of any preacher or speaker is of course entirely a personal preference.
They did provide some really weighty advice to young leaders. It is good for us to read it and to pay attention to it. Here we go, straight from the heavy-weights:
Here is the question that was asked of each leader:
Question: My one concern about young pastors would be…
(quick disclaimer)
Keep in mind that a relaying of information does not imply endorsement. One of my seminary professors always told us to do the following: “chew the meat and spit out the bones.” As always, keep 1 John 4:1 as the lens through which you view information found in life.
Here is what each one answered:
Graham: That they don’t sell out the gospel or their own life for something cheaper. There is so much brokenness, and young pastors are bringing brokenness in. My prayer for the younger generation is purity of lifestyle that honors the gospel.
Driscoll: I speak to the tribe I’m a part of. I want to see their passion to reach people exceed their passion to review books.
MacDonald: Our sense of timing is messed up. A lot of people are impatient for promotion. Take your list of what you want to get, crumple it up, and throw it away. Give your life to Christ. It’s worth it even if you get nothing for it.
Cordeiro: The danger of letting the calling become a career. Don’t take any shortcuts. Pay the price.
Furtick: We can fall prey to a spirit of entitlement. That is the antithesis of honor. It’s like Guitar Hero. Everyone wants to be a rock star, but no one wants to learn the chords.
Loritts: Faithfulness has been devalued. Continuity is the key to their effectiveness. Others paid the tuition for us to have the platforms that we have. The power of your ministry comes from the fact of grabbing your baton, realizing that you live for a time you cannot see. I’m nervous for this generation because it’s disconnected from the faith rhythms that go down the corridors of time.
Jakes: Young pastors see us on platforms, but because they don’t see the cost and the suffering behind it, they are not prepared for it when it comes.
If you want to read some good responses to this event, click here, here, here, and here.
Now it is your turn to respond.
What would you say if you were asked the same question? It does not matter if you are younger or young or still got it 🙂
Question: What is a concern that you might have for young/ish leaders?
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