Category: Leadership
How You Can Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life
Five years ago, I was in the worst shape of my life. I was enrolled full-time as a student in a seminary. I was working both in a church and in another full-time job. My day began before five am and ended sometimes after twelve midnight. Because I was super stressed, I resorted to bad eating…
The Most Important Man In All Human History After Jesus Christ
He is one of the most towering figures in all of human history. The great reformer Martin Luther called him “the wisest man after Christ.” The early church father, John Chrysostom said: “Put the whole world on one side of the scale and you will see that the soul of this man outweighs it.” D.A.…
Three Reasons Why Every Guy Should Go To Seminary
There is probably no better place for a young guy to grow spiritually, at an exponential rate, than in a solid, biblical seminary. I believe the two other places that take precedence in the spiritual formation of a young Christian is marriage and a ministry assignment within the context of a local church. No matter how many podcasts…
What Solid Leadership Is Defined By
Solid leadership is defined not by extraordinary celebrations or big wins that an individual experiences but rather is displayed in the continual and steadfast commitment to the small and seemingly insignificant things that make up the every day life. Jesus demands faithfulness in the small things – otherwise you won’t have the character or integrity…
Two Areas Of Concern Regarding This Generation Of Young Christians
I have been thinking a lot lately about the future of Christianity in a post-Christian culture. This is of course where we find ourselves today. Many basic virtues and values that were at one time held in a tight fist have been loosened to accommodate limp-wristed relativity. When I was growing up in the home…
The Most Important Question You Will Have To Answer As A Leader
I believe that very early on in your adult life, you have to answer this question: As a leader, do you want to make a point or do you want to make a difference? An answer to this single question will guide and direct the entire span and sum of your life. Your answer to this…
Experienced Elephant Trainers Offer Weighty Advice To Young Leaders
If you are at all interested in what is going on throughout the sphere of evangelical americana, you probably did not miss this dust-up. Your opinion of any preacher or speaker is of course entirely a personal preference. They did provide some really weighty advice to young leaders. It is good for us to read…
Your Team Is Headed For A Catastrophe Without These Twenty Things
A healthy team is a unified team. A healthy team, although highly desired is not naturally produced. Healthy teams are formed not inherently conceived. You might be on a team with small group leaders. It might be a church leadership team. It might be a team within a department in your organization. If you want…
How Far Can You Go To Still Consider It Distinctly Christian
Recently, the lines have been blurred between relevance and reverence. It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is distinctly Christian content and what is not. The reason for this is because every side is positioning themselves as doing what they do in Jesus’ name and for the proliferation of Jesus’ fame. Both the…
Three Questions I Answer About Being A Servant-Leader
Not too long ago, I was interviewed about the nature and character of leadership within the church. In this short video, I answer three questions: