First off, my wife and I would like to wish every single reader a very happy and joyful Thanksgiving! We sincerely desire that your celebration today would be pleasant, your food would be delicious and your mood would be lifted up.
Thank you so much for making this blog a part of your daily life. I absolutely love to interact with you here and on FB. Thank you for “liking” and “sharing” the content here. I have a huge desire to be as helpful and as practical as I can be for your benefit and for God’s glory.
Today, the United States is celebrating and observing the Thanksgiving Holiday. I have celebrated this holiday both with my family where I was brought up and with my wife and her family — ever since I can remember. I believe it is a great tradition. A tradition I want to continue.
The bible continuously calls us to be thankful. Not just intermittently but perpetually:
- Paul writes to the Colossians and to us today — begging us to walk in Christ, to be rooted in Christ, to be built up by Christ and to abound in thanksgiving (Col. 2:6-7).
- Paul writes to the Thessalonians and tells them to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:17).
Giving thanks always and giving thanks for everything should be the mode of operation for any person who declares that Jesus is their Lord.
Rather than give you a theology of thanksgiving, I want to share with you what I am specifically thankful for. Although the more prominent items will be listed towards the beginning, the rest of the list is not necessarily compiled by order of importance.
Here are 100 things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:
- God giving His only unique Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in my place for my sin
- God resurrecting His Son Jesus Christ so that I would inherit eternal life
- God granting His Holy Spirit to earth to come along side of me, providing counsel and care
- The Garden of Gethsemane where the Lord Jesus cried out in prayer to His Father in order that He would be able to undergo the pain of providing us with salvation
- The angel who came from heaven to minister to Jesus and to strengthen Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
- The events that took place in Genesis 3 because without them, I would have never experienced the satisfaction found in knowing Jesus and being saved by His gospel
- The old rugged cross where my Savior bled for me in my place
- God bestowing upon me the best gift next to my salvation: my beautiful wife and best friend Vika
- The food my wife prepares which is absolutely the best gourmet food I have ever experienced
- The way my wife prepares and presents the food we eat
- The way my wife does not take me too seriously and asks me to do the same
- The way my wife strategically creates to do list’s that keep all of our trips, projects and outings organized
- The United States and the religious freedom that it offers
- For my parents bringing me to live in America at a very young age
- For my parents staying up very late at night while I asked them dozens and dozens of different questions
- For my mom who was/is always in prayer for me
- For my dad who spoiled me like crazy by providing me with anything and everything that I ever wanted
- The fact that we can conduct bible studies in our homes and coffee shops without being arrested or oppressed (yet.)
- The vast array of gospel-centered resources available to anyone at anytime at the click of a key.
- The many pastors that podcast their sermons and the fact that they feed Christ to the masses
- My dad who inspired me to preach Christ and to focus on the cross of Christ
- My dad who taught me how to install dimmers in regular light switches
- My dad who did not bag on me when I went to work with him but just took naps and got lunch for the both of us
- The privilege to preach the gospel of Jesus in various venues and diverse settings
- For sending my way hundreds of people at my place of work in the last five years who have never heard of the gospel and who heard it for the first time
- God allowing me to have a front row seat to see supernatural miracles take place right before my eyes
- Living in a relatively peaceful society where I have never even for a moment felt threatened or in danger
- Trials that I have experienced which allowed my character to more resemble the character of Christ
- My mom who grafted into me spiritual disciplines from a very young age
- My oldest sister Mariya who serves as a huge inspiration of how to be a phenomenal parent to your kids
- My nephew Ben who will for sure make the best worship pastor this world has ever seen
- My sister Larisa who baked for me really yummy treats back when I still lived in the home of my parents
- My sister Oksana who always thought I was really cool and made sure to tell me that
- My little sister Arina who is an absolute delight to talk with — regardless of the topic
- My sister Nicole who always is a great partner to wrap gifts with and to throw surprise parties with
- Vika’s mom Irene who has always been extremely supportive
- John (Irene’s husband) who was the first Talbot Alumni and who has always been extremely supportive as well.
- Babu Laris (Vika’s grandma) who is an absolute riot and has within her more information than Wikipedia
- My current pastor who has been the absolute best senior pastor and mentor I have probably ever met in my entire life
- My church in general
- The people in my church in specific
- The worship team at my church who lead the people of God in the worship of God in the house of God every Sunday
- The older ladies at my church who have never said anything to me that was painful to swallow or difficult to accept
- The patience that God gave to people in the church to put up with my bad preaching in the early years.
- The youth in my church who constantly keep me on my toes
- All of the AWK! moments that I have experienced with my youth
- The guys that have allowed me to disciple them the last few years — you guys have been discipling me as well!
- The bridge-builders who are willing to see things from a different perspective while keeping the gospel front and center
- The young couples group we have at our church — we are a crazy bunch — but we all have grown immensely in our relationships
- The people who came to my side and prayed for me during the most difficult seasons of my life
- People who are very receptive to my teaching — this is highly encouraging — thank you!
- My professor on prayer from seminary that taught me the importance of prayer
- The very many great bloggers who inspired me to start a blog of my own
- God giving me an insatiable appetite to write
- The over 5000 visitors that came to this blog and read the content put out here — you guys are absolutely awesome — you are the reason I come back and do this day in and day out!
- WordPress for providing a fairly easy engine to use for blogging
- Readers who “like” and “share” the content posted here
- The Russian church in general who has really helped me in developing patience and a reliance on desperate prayer.
- My critics who thought it important enough to point out my faults
- The coaches who genuinely want to see me become more like Christ
- The trolls who keep me on my toes
- The church I used to be a part of where the pastor put on the preaching roster a young fifteen year old kid — giving him a chance to preach the gospel.
- The Master’s seminary for providing me with a solid theological foundation
- For Talbot seminary for giving me practical pastoral skills that have absolutely changed the way I approach the people who I help
- Apple Computers
- The iPad
- The “pages” app in the iPad that is very convenient to organize my sermon in
- The Macbook Air
- The HD gateway monitor that I still use
- Microsoft Word that served as a great writing platform for me for many years
- Evernote for providing such an easy platform where I can store everything that I write
- Google chrome for providing the best browser and bookmark organizer I have ever come across
- Google reader that helps me keep up on my 100+ blogs I follow
- Google calendar which is by far the best calendar program I have ever used
- For God giving me a brain that I can constantly stretch and take out of my usual comfort zone
- Cellphones that are able to keep me connected to my wife, my family and my friends
- Text messages that have become an integral part of the way we can so easily communicate
- God creating coffee
- Starbucks Coffee Company
- Free wifi that Starbucks provides
- Free space that Starbucks provides where I have conducted countless meetings and sessions where the gospel was made manifest
- Zara clothing company for making some funky euro clothes that no other American company can compare to
- Brooks Brothers for making the non-iron, slim fit, forward point collar dress shirt
- Pandora for streaming music I like for free
- My BMW M3 which has served me well ever since Bush was elected for a presidential term back in 2004.
- The weather in OC
- The cleanliness and serene conditions of OC
- The people who are immaculate landscapers and keep everything looking neat and clean
- A major American corporation that was kind enough to employ me for a little over half a decade
- A major American corporation that recruited me to work for them just recently (this has been my absolute most favorite thing I have ever done in my entire career).
- The job my wife has that God has provided to her
- The sound counsel and advice that my wife provides to me
- Street signs that do not simply hang on wires but are on steel beams and light up, easily visible
- Airplanes that are able to fly me from one place to the next, so that I can see my family — instead of having to drive over 18 hours
- Rap music that is theologically robust
- Trance and Techno that always helps me to chill and relax
- The different stores in our area that carry Russian pastries
- Russian food in general
- Electricity that lights up everything and makes living pleasant
- Car chargers that come in handy when both my personal and work cell batteries keep being drained quickly
Question: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Please share this in the comments’ section of this post!
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