FFL 093: Why Youth Stay In Church When They Grow Up

What are the characteristics of young people who stay in the church for their entire life and young people who leave the church, even after they have attended?

Bogdan Kipko, Lead Pastor of Forward Church and Benjamin Gusenkov, Worship Leader at Forward Church discuss the principles and behaviors of young people who stay passionate about the church and continue following Jesus.

If you care about young people and want to impact their lives, listen to this episode.

Stay connected with Pastor Bogdan:

Forward Church: http://kipko.us/2hAh8y0

Podcast on iTunes here: http://kipko.us/1lpvuKY

App in the Apple App Store here: http://kipko.us/1N2ETBV

Instagram: http://kipko.us/1dFmo6h

Twitter: http://kipko.us/1pUgVzC

Facebook: http://kipko.us/Syf6x9

Email: bogdan@forward.fm



If you would like to invite pastor Bogdan to speak at your event, please email your request to bogdan@forward.fm