FFL 007: My Response To Criticism And Part Two Of My Exclusive Interview With Alexei Ledyaev


Hello friends, on this episode of Fuel For life, I am excited to share with you part two of my exclusive interview with Alexei Ledyaev. Pastor Alexei is a church planter, a movement maker and has impacted many people around the world. Click here to listen to part one. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this second part of our interview

This podcast episode will be almost all in Russian. So if you speak Russian that is great. If you don’t, I will try to get a translated transcript of both parts of the interview soon.

Click here to check out my response to some criticism that I have received.

Here are the questions that I asked Pastor Alexei in the second part of our interview together:

  1. What is up with all those YouTube videos that everyone seems to focus on when anyone talks about your ministry. Has anything changed since then?
  2. How do you handle critics and what do you do to recharge and refresh from doing ministry work?
  3. Are you willing to work with other denominations and churches?
  4. How do you keep your romance alive with your wife and what do you recommend to the couples that are listening to the show?
  5. What is the next big things that you are working on in New Generation
  6. Plus, a few more very candid moments Alexei will share with us – all of this and more in the second part of my interview with Pastor Alexei – happy listening!

If you want to know my reasoning behind interviewing Pastor Alexei or any other person I will interview on my podcast, click here and read my response to that.

Happy Listening!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

My new book Forward, click here.

Pastor Alexei’s personal blog, click here.

Pastor Alexei’s church website, click here.

Question: What did you think of part two of the interview? What questions would you ask Alexei if you were interviewing him? 


4 responses to “FFL 007: My Response To Criticism And Part Two Of My Exclusive Interview With Alexei Ledyaev”

  1. Bogdan, just wanted to say a word of encouragement. I think you’ve nailed this interview. The topics were interesting. The answers were honest, to the point and uplifting. I did like his practical approach to each question asked, a specially the last part, where you guys talked about an interfaith collaboration and partnerships, something that has been on my heart for a long time now. The unity of faith, I believe, and not necessarily of theology, is pleasing to God. Great job!

    1. Russ hi – thank you for your encouragement, I really appreciate it!

  2. Bogdan,

    LOVED this podcast! Very educational and encouraging! Keep up the good work and continue to seek Gods approval over mans.


    1. Thank you so much Serge, really appreciate your kind and encouraging words!

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